Produkt anmeldelser

Product reviews

Produktanmeldelser | PUCA - PURE & CARE


Your opinion matters, so it would mean a lot to us if you rate our products on our site, preferably with a comment or just an emoji attached.

We hope that our product(s) lived up to your expectations. If not, we would very much like to hear from you at or +45 30294030.

Creating a review is easy: Simply select your product and go to the Reviews tab. Just enter your name and email address, insert stars and title, and then you can write your review.

Every month we reward a lucky reviewer with a gift card worth DKK 300 for purchases on the site.
The winner will be notified by email and posted on our Instagram, @pureandcare.

Once a year in December, you’ll be entered in our draw for a gift card worth DKK 1,000.



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